Six Degrees South

At six degrees south of the equator,

the surprise of dusk is dramatic and sudden.

One moment you are enjoying the last rays of sunshine,

the next, darkness falls like a warm blanket.

Zanzibar, the Rufigi River in Selous Game Reserve, and the Uluguru Mountains in mainland Tanzania.


via Photo Challenge: Surprise

The Goat Herder

In May 2013, I was doing some voluntary work in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  I was working at the School of St Yared,  set up in 2009 to educate those children who would not normally get a chance, due to their poverty and family circumstances. The aim being that through education the poverty cycle can be broken and when these children become adults they can become leaders within their communities.

On my first visit to Ethiopia I didn’t manage to explore further than the edge of Addis city, so on this occasion I decided to go community trekking to western Meket in the mountains near Lalibela, one of Ethiopia’s most sacred sites.


This photo, one of my favourites, was taken one morning just after breakfast, purely by chance when a small goat herder came skipping over the ridge.

He went past with an inquisitive smile and I wondered if he had ever had the chance to go to school or if this was the only life he knew, helping his family and roaming the mountainside with their goats in search of pasture.



                                                         Thin light

                                                         touched with warmth

                                                         chases the shadows.

                                                         Colours emerge

                                                         and the day begins.
