Magical Moon

We had flights booked from Cairns to Sydney having briefly visited North Queensland.We realised too late that we’d be in the air when the supermoon rose. Still we’d been able to spend a day in the Daintree rainforest and another out snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef, both amazing places despite the massive coral bleaching of the reef that I had known about but still shocked me. Last time I was at the reef was 30 years ago and it was a  myriad of colour. How man has changed our world in such a short time. Last time that there was a supermoon the Great Barrier Reef was truly Great. What will be left when the next supermoon appears?

We would have liked to have sat on one of the endless, empty beaches and watched the moon rise, but we were unable to change our plans so reluctantly we left our tropical haven and headed for Cairns to catch the flight. We had managed to change our seats to the left of the plane, but as we approached Cairns tropical storm clouds filled the sky. Even though we took off surrounded by dense clouds, soon patches of blue replaced the white and the sky cleared as if by magic …

Lavender for Lunch & Dinner


On a recent trip to the UK the bumblebees were prolific in the lavender flowers. They were busy all day and even into the early summer evening. It was lovely to watch them, especially as many of the species are in decline and two have actually become extinct.

I always remember studying them in school when I was doing my A levels and the teacher telling us they were aerodynamically unable to fly. This always puzzled me, but I now read that this was a misconception of the 1930s and in 2005 it was shown through high speed photography, that the way they flapped their wings was different to the way previously understood. I do love science!

Bumblebees are mainly under threat because of changes to the countryside in the UK. Changes in agricultural techniques have meant that there are far fewer wildflowers in the landscape than there used to be, meaning that many of our bumblebee species are struggling to survive.